Thursday, June 4, 2009

easy to assemble

Easy to assemble from flat pack. Takes less than 1 minute to assemble and has no glue or fixings to apply. Much faster than conventional furniture and can be delivered in bulk as a flat pack. 


Chair in context at 100%design tokyo. Used in bar and cafe areas at 100 percent in 2009. Cheap material that is environmentally friendly and 100% recyclable. If the organizer wants they can allow visitors to take their chairs with them after using them. 

economic use of material

Chair design takes up majority of the 1800 x 1200 x-board sheet, Ensuring economical use of the material.


Fits into any recycling bin easily. Can be flat packed prior to recycling, no glue or fixings.

easy to carry?

Easy to carry, portable and light. 


Can it hold 150kg? 

Well she's not 150kg but it held up fine!

brand ready

Here are some branding ideas. VB looks good. haha

x-board number 2

X-board number two and final. I think I have it all figured out. Eight or so more hours and......

We get this. I'm almost positive that the piece of board I got wasn't cut square, so all the fold channels were extremely difficult to do. When I folded it together the edges were floating off the ground. I was pretty pissed off. I had to hack at it many times to get it all to fit together. In the end this is my final product, I vow not to touch it again and can't wait to never have to look at cardboard for the rest of my life. If I do I will cringe at the thought of these last few weeks. 

Oh and the arms didn't work again for some reason. I cant work it out. I seriously think its the x-boards problem as it is exactly the same as my other 1:1 and it works on that. If I had a chance to make another one...... I wouldn't. 
I cant even judge anymore whether it is a nice looking chair or not. I have looked at it in anger for so long that my vision is impaired. Hopefully it works and you like it. Its super strong as well. 

x-board number 1

So I am ready to make my x-board model. Or so I thought. 8 hours later and wella...... a chair that is NQR. ( not quite right, for those unfamiliar with the lingo)

Don't do this at home. My hairdryer was nowhere near as industrial as the workshop one and I got extremely frustrated. Extremely!

As you may or may not be able to see, there is tape on the top of the back. This is because it was ripping more and more every time I folded it. Another thing I will need to resolve in my next 1:1. 

When I was cutting out the arm folds I had convinced myself that the 1cm channel would fall below the line. I was tired. and wrong. Therefore It was time for another 1:1 x board. damn. 

fixing the arm....

In my 2nd 1:1 mock up I thought i had resolved the arms. turns out I didn't. as you can see below. 
The bottom of the arm didn't meet up with the top of the seat as I had thought it would and the angle of the corner didn't meet up with front part of the arm. 
To resolve this i took another piece of cardboard and and drew out where it should go on my model. You can see in the bottom three images the new arm that fits and the flat version is the last image. Fingers crossed this will translate into X-board!